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«Solution to illegal migration…»

I believe that false and dictatorial governments, such as those of Venezuela or Nicaragua, should be overthrown by the force of an international body such as the UN….

Based on a new legal framework that shapes international judgments, the nations of the world should have mechanisms to prevent governments that cede control to organized crime, allow drug smuggling, or exploit and/or violently expel their citizens from creating problems for other nations. The legal principle for intervention is clear; no nation has the right to create problems for its neighbor by expelling its citizens or sending drugs and/or criminals disguised as migrants.

Assumptions: 1. The concept of sovereign nation and territory must be an inviolable pillar of international legislation, 2. It is necessary to have a new regulatory framework that defines the concept of national sovereignty and its scope, rights and obligations, 3. The primary responsibility of any government is to look after the interests of its citizens, not those of foreigners, 4. Natural resources are finite, so the larger the population, the fewer the resources; therefore, every nation and government must direct the use of its resources to the welfare and progress of its population, 5. The larger the population (especially if it is uneducated and unskilled), the higher the social and economic costs that need not be borne by productive residents citizens (He who does not work should not eat, St. Paul), 6. Any migrant community, with different education and culture, will naturally bring conflicts and social frictions and will form ghettos, 7. This becomes exponential when there is also a religious or civilizational clash, 8. People without work and without education and/or technical skills are cannon fodder and input to feed organized crime and a model of modern slavery under the concept of subordinate labor, which is avoided by preventing their entry, 9. The needs of exploited or marginalized populations in their countries of origin give life to a crime dedicated to human trafficking that profits from human pain and need, which would end by fighting this type of crime and in a complementary way preventing the entry of illegal migrants, and 9. A hundred or a thousand migrants is migration, a million or more is invasion… In other words, between the conflict of two virtues, mercy and justice, I am inclined to justice and to the responsibility of each one for his circumstances, therefore, welcome, in reasonable quantities, the migrants who can contribute something and who enter after meeting the requirements and an evaluation that guarantees that they will not be a social or economic burden; those who try to enter illegally, first, should not enter and second, those who entered illegally should be expelled immediately…

There is no lack of reasons for many of those who today try to enter other countries illegally, some legal, some illegal, some justified, others invented, which in no case is the responsibility of other nations, societies or governments.

Conclusions: 1.- The problems of each society or country must be solved in each country and are not a justification to migrate illegally to other nations. 2.- A new legal framework must be built that allows the international community to intervene to remove dictatorial governments that are infiltrated by organized crime, drug smugglers or exploiters of their people, and 3. – Each nation, in a free and sovereign manner, will decide the legal framework and regulations for foreigners entering its territory, as well as the forms and measures it will take to prevent illegal migration… In other words, under the concept of sovereignty, there is no human right to migrate without complying with the laws, requirements and regulations of the country of destination; I adopt the words of Viktor Orban, Prime Minister of Hungary, I quote: «Borders are just that, borders, and they must be respected, as well as the laws that the country sets as a condition for entry, and there is no human right to violate them, whoever enters illegally commits a crime and is considered a criminal»… It is as simple as that.

Best regards and a reflection.

Santiago Heyser Beltrán

Writer and dreamer

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