“The Trump campaign and how to lose a won election.”
Bill O’Reilly’s advice is accurate and well-intentioned; either Trump moves away from mud-waging and attacking Kamala or he’s going to lose the election, I concur….
Just as you hear it, dear reader: I want Trump to win! for one simple reason, his commitment to Make America Great Again (MAGA), involves moving it away from wars (WWIII) and focusing on its economy and world trade; in other words, while the Democrats’ first interest is military might that must be sustained by a war industry that to be profitable needs wars and death, and that only benefits the ruling elite and the few, Trump’s interest is to strengthen the US economy and generate jobs that give purchasing power to citizens (not illegal migrants) and that, as a consequence strengthen its domestic market by increasing demand and stop depending on exports, while strengthening the middle class and increasing tax revenues and social satisfaction, which translates into Republican votes… Win/win.
Obviously, in this scheme Mexico loses, its exports will be reduced and there will be fewer jobs, to this we add the migrant problem, if Trump returns the illegal’s and closes the border we will drown with economic and social problems… so you may ask yourself, dear reader: How can I agree with Trump?
Simple, if Trump closes the borders, he will force Mexico to do the same, which, I have no doubt, is good, the unrestricted entry of illegal’s is rotting Mexican society and deteriorating its cities; If in addition it hinders Mexican exports, Mexico will have to develop new markets or better yet, strengthen its internal market, for which wages in Mexico would have to be increased to give purchasing power to workers and thus have consumers, which would strengthen the Mexican middle class and as a consequence there would be social stability which would be the seed of the much needed peace. A wrong economic strategy that reinforces organized crime is the lack of opportunities and starvation wages for those who work honestly… In other words, Trump’s policies would put us to work driving development in Mexico which would move us away from economic and political dependence, which is good for Mexico… That is why my intention to help Trump win.
With that in mind, a winning strategy that comes to mind is, in three steps: 1.- Trump should focus on his government proposals and move away from the dirty war and attacking Kamala; Trump should present himself as President and look like President, uniting Americans, Democrats and Republicans, not dividing. 2.- Exhibit mistakes and corruption of the Democrats and Kamala’s limitations, this task would fall to her Vice President J.D. Vance, the Republican party, the media and the “influencers” who support Trump; focusing on her three Kamala weaknesses: A.- She is a liar, B.- Her interest is in favor of illegal migrants, not citizens, and C.-. She does not have the capacity to govern USA in an environment of war confrontation (Ukraine, Gaza, Syria, etc.) and trade war (China); in other words, Kamala cannot and should not be Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the world; and 3.- In the debate exhibit Kamala in her limitations to cancel her chances of Trump and thus win the polls and the election in November… The point is: how to ensure that Trump wins the debate and that he does not get carried away by his character and end up exhibited as irate or dictatorial? In my opinion by consulting with me… contacting me or his team by DM on Twitter @SHeyserBeltran or by E-mail: Heyser.santiago@gmail.com
No, it is not arrogance, dear reader, it is objectivity, I have spent years studying human behavior and how to communicate to achieve a result, especially to a Latino and / or Hispanic audience; which would give the winning votes to Trump. I could also advise you on how to add the minority vote, for example, to win the black vote, you just have to not talk about blacks, I explain; in the rigged interview at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ), the interviewer exhibited you with mistakes you have made to finally ask you: Why would blacks vote for you? , the answer could be, mind you, not answering the assault: “Because as President our economy worked, because in Geopolitics I consolidated our leadership and avoided conflict and because, in guarding our borders, I defend the jobs of ALL Americans, regardless of race, that’s why I hope you all vote for me; with me you have certainties, with Democrats you have problems.” In other words, I am suggesting Trump stop talking about race and just refer to the people of the US as a unit and move away from competing with Kamala, who is nobody, to focus on proposals that give certainty to the voters… It’s that simple!
Un saludo, una reflexión.
Santiago Heyser Beltrán
Escritor y soñador
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