Hablando en serio

«Gringos, save the USA, … and the planet.»

Time is running out and, in my opinion, thousands of voters in the USA could make a mistake by casting their vote out of emotion and not reason and send the United States of America into the abyss.

First of all, I would like to introduce myself, I am a Mexican who loves my country and I see with sadness how it is going to the abyss by making decisions based on emotions and not on reason, while organized crime is destroying us as a society and illegal immigrants are invading us. I recognize that I have a personal and civic interest in the USA doing well as I have a daughter and granddaughter who are US citizens and a grandson who was born in this once beautiful country, not long ago a first world country. Having said the above, I share: as a Mexican citizen, I am convinced that the worst thing that can happen to Mexico is for the United States of America to do badly; if you sink, we drown.

The reason is simple: they are afraid that Trump will close the border and prevent the passage of illegal migrants, which would aggravate the existing social, hygienic, peaceful coexistence, insecurity and economic problems; problems that Mexico created for itself by having irresponsible leaders who opened the southern border. There is also the fear that Trump will expel thousands or millions of illegal migrants, who, regardless of their nationality, will mostly be sent to Mexico, which in my opinion would be an act of justice; because the Mexican government, in its irresponsibility and corruption, has allowed the passage of millions of illegal migrants whose goal was not to seek asylum but to enter the U.S. illegally, that is, Mexico has become a «doormat» for political interests and has acted wrongly, like a bad neighbor who allows the passage of a thief who is going to steal the house next door. The other concern of the «opinionators» is that Trump will put restrictions and tariffs on Mexican exports to benefit THEIR economy; if we are fair, this is a sovereign and good measure for USA …. and the USA is Trump’s responsibility, not Mexico, not China, not Ukraine, not Europe; that said, maybe putting restrictions or tariffs on Mexican imports would make the miracle of waking us up and thus work to not depend on the United States market, improve our economy by building a domestic market with purchasing power that would correct the lives of millions of Mexicans, reduce forced migration and put us on the path of progress, away from the dependence that hurts us both economically and politically…

Of course, to put Mexico on a path of progress with independence and sovereignty, we would have to prevent illegal migration, put an end to organized crime, imprison corrupt leaders, build an educational system based on reason, science and innovation to create thinking and productive citizens, and of course improve the conditions of our workers to build a thriving and growing domestic market, that is, an economic demand that creates jobs in a virtuous circle… All of this work will never happen if we in Mexico continue to be economically and politically dependent on the United States, and even less if we allow organized crime to control the national territory, if we continue to degrade society with illegal migration, and if we continue to accept corrupt politicians and leaders… Which, I insist, is not Trump’s fault.

I close this article with the certainty that although Trump is a mythomaniac, arrogant, misogynist, dishonest, tax evader and fool, he is the best option for the Unites States whit MAGA, and attention: Trump is not a danger to Mexico! and if he is a possible trigger that would make us wake up… and best of all, Trump is not a danger to the planet! Meanwhile, Kamala Harris is a threat to the US from within, promoting illegal migration that allows the entry of organized crime that is already destroying the US from within, migration that also destroys identity, culture, and generates huge economic, social, and humanitarian problems; migration that for years has no longer benefited the US and the planet, because illegality is a global problem that is also destroying Europe; But beware, Kamala is also a problem for the world, as I believe that both, like Biden, are incompetent to govern, they do not have the intellectual and cognitive capacity to lead the most powerful nation on the planet (in decline) and much less to be Supreme Commander of the most powerful army on the planet; which makes them «puppets» of the American military complex whose business is war, destruction and death.

Aware and convinced that the first responsibility of any ruler is to look after the national interest and the welfare of its citizens and not the problems of other nations and other peoples, which the Biden/Harris administration has not done; a rational vote of Democrats, Republicans and undecideds would give Trump the triumph for the benefit of the USA and the planet; and for those who do not sympathize with him, in four years a better Republican candidate and a capable candidate on the Democratic side can be chosen for the benefit of the United States… By the way, I hope Kamala will stop lying, Trump can’t be a dictator! because in four years he will be closer to the grave than to the power for obvious reasons… It’s that simple!

Un saludo, una reflexión

Santiago Heyser Beltrán

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