«Kamala should not be president»

How many flies are acceptable in a million bottles of Coca-Cola, 1,000, 100, 10, 1? The answer is ZERO; not one fly is acceptable in a Coke bottle.

How many criminals are acceptable to enter the USA for every 100 illegal immigrants, 10, 5, 3, 1…? The answer is ZERO and I will explain; given the fact that during the Biden/Harris administration 10 million illegal migrants have entered the USA, if for every 100 migrants 1 criminal had entered the USA, today there would be a hundred thousand criminals inside the USA, a real army that is already attacking, dismembering, disintegrating, threatening and blackmailing the American society as an invading force in its own territory! The cities of NYC and Aurora Colorado, among others, attacked by criminal organizations such as «El Tren de Aragua», are witnesses of this.

And very seriously, to defend against organized crime, there is neither the budget, nor the strategy, nor an army of military and/or police capable of confronting and eradicating them; nor to imprison them, hence the laws that do not punish crimes and allow criminals to be immediately released (revolving door strategy), to the detriment of public peace and the safety of citizens.

Given the open border policy that allows the entry of drugs and the permissiveness of crimes of the Biden/Harris administration and the Democratic Party, in my opinion, the United States today is fighting a war that it cannot win unless it changes laws and strategies, a war that Mexico has already lost, which has allowed a third (or more) of Mexican territory to be controlled by parallel governments of organized crime that control commerce and define the economy, in addition to deciding who lives or dies.

This war has been lost in Mexico and is destroying countries in Europe, because it is not being fought with conventional armies, nor with technology or military spending, and what is worse, it is not being fought on a battlefield; it is a war that is being fought in the territory itself, in the streets of the cities, against armies that imitate civil society; Armies that attack on three fronts: one, destroying the social fabric like a cancer using drugs and cultural change as weapons; two, corrupting the political class, the rulers and the police, using money as a weapon; and finally, three, with open aggression by organized criminal groups that have more and more resources, better weapons, more flexibility, laws in their favor, so that they surpass the State in its ability to defend the civilian population, which little by little, step by step, is in the hands of organized crime, which, like humidity, expands and controls more territories every day.

Because of the irresponsibility of Biden/Harris and the Democratic Party and their political and electoral strategies, as well as the stupidity of the Sanctuary Cities legislation, the national security of the U.S. is today at risk because of what is called illegal migration, when in fact it is an invasion.

In her interview with Oprah Winfrey, Kamala Harris stated that she and Tim Walz, her vice presidential candidate, have guns at home, I quote her: «I own guns, Tim Walz owns guns…If somebody breaks into my house, they get shot… (after this burst of sincerity, she corrects herself) … I probably shouldn’t have said that…». Kamala operates a double standard, when it comes to her home and family she defends them and does not allow outsiders to enter, when it comes to the Republic she swore to serve and protect she leaves the borders open… Therefore, for undermining the national security of the USA by violating her responsibility: Kamala should not be president!

But, what is the solution? I repeat what has been said in other articles: Do not allow illegal migration, do not let in those who do not have resources and an honest livelihood or a labor or intellectual contribution to offer, and, of course, stop with the «sanctuary cities» and with the permissiveness of «minor» crimes… Any migrant who commits a crime, any crime, should be deported immediately, period.

A question, how can we close our eyes to the human suffering of those fleeing insecurity, poverty and violence in their countries of origin? in my opinion, international organizations and international law should be adequate and intervene to solve them in their countries of origin, not with illegal migration! … It is naive to allow criminal, corrupt or simply incapable governments to expel their citizens who create problems to other nations, which should be typified as a crime in international law and allow the intervention of organizations such as the UN; as there should be an international intervention to punish or overthrow governments that allow, promote or facilitate drug smuggling… The concept of national sovereignty, in my opinion, should be revised and appropriate in international law to prevent bad governments or corrupt rulers from harming their people and creating problems for other nations… It’s as simple as that!

Greetings and a thought.

Santiago Heyser Beltrán

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