Two certainties I have from the campaign in the USA: 1.- Both candidates lie, and 2.- Kamala, as a puppet of the military complex, is a danger for the USA and for the planet.

I have said it and I stand by it, regardless of whether he is a misogynist, cheat and tax evader, it is in my interest that Donald Trump wins, for two simple reasons: It would benefit Mexico and the world by avoiding illegal migration and the risk of a third world war that would end humanity!

A couple of months ago Biden, ignoring his promises and the vote of millions of Democrats who gave him the victory in the Democratic Party primaries, due to internal pressures from supposed friends and leaders whose interests have nothing to do with the national interest, resigned his candidacy; At that time Kamala was nobody, those who knew her only for her laughter in her appearances, for her tangled explanations without sense qualified as “word salads” or for her ineptitude and complicity to have open borders that put at risk the national security and have a direct effect in damaging the economy of cities, states and the nation. In that context, I suggested to Trump to direct his disqualifications to the Democratic administration that has had a disastrous performance in national security concepts, in geopolitics, in the economy and in the mandate to protect its borders. Attacking Kamala was a bad campaign strategy because: 1.- It positioned her and made her known, 2.- He emotionally, not rationally, united women against him, and 3.- Given Kamala’s Indian and Jamaican roots, she could turn blacks and Indians against him with racist arguments. The proposal was to treat Kámala as unknown and unimportant: “Kámala who…” He did not listen and now He is in a close competition with Kámala, which forces the former president, if he wants to win the election, to an intelligent strategy that focuses his communication on making known why Kámala should not be president and why they should vote for him, regardless of philias and phobias; so that the voter sees a real advantage and a benefit in voting for Trump.

The first point is to make the voter understand that it is stupid to vote for Kamala simply because we dislike Trump. An intelligent, rational and thoughtful person should vote for the candidate who can most capably lead the government, especially at a time when the world is at risk of a nuclear confrontation that could lead to the extinction of humanity, given, in my opinion, the misguided imperialistic and manipulative policies of the Democratic Party and the Biden/Harris administration.

During 4 years of his administration, Trump did not initiate or encourage wars, in fact, he laid the groundwork to get out of Afghanistan, where they were entrenched for 20 years with no trade or benefit, but yes, with thousands of dead. Trump’s idea is simple: “Make America Grate Again” (MAGA), with this in mind and aware that wars do not benefit the USA or anyone, his struggle and effort is to improve the living conditions of Americans and be productive, hence his interest in avoiding the useless expense of wars that benefit the Military Complex and a small group of politicians and harm his people, his fight against illegal migration that brings with it a social and economic deterioration and his fight in the economic field to improve the conditions of commercial exchange for the benefit of the USA…

Proposed strategy and axis to close the campaign: with short phrases and videos as evidence to communicate why: “Kamala should not be president”. More videos and more use of social networks to communicate proposals and disqualify Kámala and the Democrats.

Proposal for a solution to illegal immigration: Pressure international organizations (UN) to legislate and take “intelligent” measures to solve the problem of bad governments that expel their people, in order to avoid illegal migration and drug smuggling that is destroying the USA.

Economic development proposal: fight inflation with less money printing, avoiding expenses and costs of illegal migration, negotiating trade agreements, strengthening and repatriating American companies to generate jobs and promoting innovation and technological development.

Conclusion: Trump or Kamala?, I would vote for the candidate that guarantees a better government in a global environment of wars and violence, because I would be voting for the Supreme Commander of the US Army, the most powerful in the world! and our personal destiny and that of our children and grandchildren is at stake, so it is not a child’s game, nor a question of sympathies… It is as simple as that!


Santiago Heyser Beltrán.

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