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“The Democratic Party complicit with Venezuela”.

With the help of the Democratic Party, Venezuela invades the United States of America.

The efficient and effective strategy; the way Ho Chi Minh defeated France, Japan and later the USA in Vietnam with guerrilla warfare; today it is used by Venezuela and its allies to invade and defeat the USA from within, with organized crime gangs.

Yes! the United States of America lost the war in Vietnam in a violent way, but it was not the only one, they also lost in Afghanistan, after invading it for 20 years they had to leave with their tail between their legs in a shameful operation in which the Biden/Harris government, practically abandoned their allies and ran away… And it seems that it will not be the worst defeat, since the USA is currently waging a provoked war, sponsored, not recognized and not accepted by the Democratic government, against the invasion, in American territory, of international gangs (mainly Venezuelan) through the clandestine entry of illegal migrants, given the open borders policy and worse, through the regularization and nationalization of illegals, including criminals organized in gangs, hidden and mimicked cartels, with millions of illegals from all over the world, distributed without control throughout the U.S. territory.

In my opinion, the underlying objective of the Democratic party, which does not allow them to see the risk in which they put National Security, is political control, via the migrant vote, to favor Kamala Harris in her intention to win the US presidency and perpetuate the control of the military complex and associated companies in the US government, whose business is war and the destruction of national identities, in order to, once colonized, have control of governments and national wealth via military occupation, financial systems and commercial treaties.

Ho Chi Minh defeated the most powerful armies in the world with guerrilla warfare, Russia is defeating Ukraine with a frontal war of attrition of its armies, but Venezuela and its allies threaten to defeat the USA with a more subtle, cheaper and more perverse strategy, implemented in Mexico, through controlling territories with gangs that, first, financially supported by the drug trafficking business, they collude with politicians and authorities, then support political campaigns and acquire power in congresses and governments, then infiltrate the police, the army and the security forces, to finally build parallel governments, thus controlling aspects of economic life, appropriating territories and finally collecting taxes on all economic activity; This, in addition to the social control through the drug business that yields millionaire profits, while destroying the social fabric, the national identity and the moral strength of the nation, which is already happening in the USA, with the endorsement of the Democratic Party and the Biden/Harris administration.

Some species of flies and wasps lay their eggs inside other insects, which allows the larvae to feed on the host insect when they hatch; the same strategy is followed by the gangs that enter the USA as illegals, they mimic the population and from within attack the social, economic, security and governmental system of the USA…

How to avoid the defeat of the USA by foreign governments: Protecting its borders, fighting and expelling illegal migration and those who, being foreigners, commit any crime. Donald J. Trump is right, making the United States Great Again (MAGA) should be the central policy of a responsible government, not conquering or selling weapons to the detriment of the national economy in foreign wars, business of the few to the detriment of the many… It’s that simple!

Un saludo, una reflexión

Santiago Heyser Beltrán

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