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“Mr. Trump: the debate”

Convinced I am that the lesser evil for Mexico and for the world is Donald Trump; Kamala Harris and the Democrats are bringing us closer to a Third World War. That said, let’s orient Trump for the debate.

Donald Trump’s main weakness is his character and not understanding that he is no longer on his TV show: “The Apprentice”; today, the objective is to show himself presidential and win votes, no more mud war.

Those who think that the Democratic Party is preventing Kamala Harris, its candidate, from having interviews that could expose her ignorance, her inability to govern and her incongruence, are right; her trajectory as a prosecutor was gray and very questionable, as a Senator her participation was poor and as Vice President she was a shadow that when she approached the spotlight for work reasons, she exhibited her stupidity and her limitations. Those who think that Kamala lies at convenience, either to avoid responsibility or to avoid criticism, are also right and the facts confirm it. Finally, her greatest weakness is that she is alien to the interests of the American people and acts according to group or party interests, thus failing in her responsibility to secure the border by facilitating the entry of millions of illegal immigrants whose utility is to boost the Democratic Party, to divide the USA in a racially confrontational manner in order to have political control and to reduce the strength of the Republican base, thus weakening the United States.

Having said the above, Donald Trump’s central message, during the debate, I opine, should be the following: “I do not see Democratic or Republican, red or blue states, I only see American states, that is why my interest is to govern for all, to get the country out of the economic crisis in which the government of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris has put us, to rebuild the leadership of USA in the world in order to avoid wars and conflicts and to work to Make America Great Again (MAGA)… California, Illinois and cities like New York, deserve a good government that cares about American citizens and their quality of life, to return to the path of progress. “

“The Debate” (K = Kamala … T = Trump):

K- I have dealt with criminals, rapists and fraudsters, that’s why I know you Mr. Trump.

T- That is your weakness Kamala, you talk about morality when it suits you, and in the absence of proposals and results you seek to disqualify to have a chance to ungovern US, I already governed and the people know we were better off.

K- Morality is important in a President, you have been involved with prostitutes and cheated on your pregnant wife.

T- That is your other weakness Kamala, you are worried from the waist down while the people are watching from the waist up to see who has the ability to lift the economy that you and Biden have been destroying and who can put the US on the road to economic recovery and progress, not a third World War.

K- You are a fraudster accused of misrepresenting your campaign expenses.

T- I recognize that there were accounting errors and that ultimately I am the one legally responsible and not my accountant; but that is not the point, I repeat, the point is who can best govern the USA and be a Commander in Chief of the most powerful military in the world that imposes leadership that leads to progress and not conflict. I am talking about: “Make America Great Again”, which you have demonstrated, is not in your ability nor in your interest.

K- Mr. Trump, you defend Putin, a genocidal man.

T- No Kamala, you confuse things, I defend the people of the USA who do not have to pay for a war that being 5,100 miles away is not theirs and that could have been avoided if the Democrats do not invite Ukraine to NATO, a war that could have been stopped in 2022 if Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, along with Boris Johnson of England, do not stop peace negotiations between Ukraine and Russia that would have saved thousands of lives and billions of dollars. A war in which the Biden’s and the military complex win and the citizens of the USA, Russia and Europe lose.

K- You are a racist, you attacked Nikki Haley and Obama saying that they were not born in the USA and four black citizens and congresswomen saying that they should go back to where they came from, you criticize me for being Indian when I am Indian and black….

T- I am not criticizing you, it was you who promoted yourself as an Indian and not as a black,… until recently, and it is true I had bad information and made mistakes, but I insist, the objective of this debate is to know who could govern and get the US out of the economic failure in which you and Joe Biden put us… and with respect to minorities and racial groups, regardless of race or color, I am defending the jobs of all, their security and their quality of life, which is what is expected. And with respect to minorities and racial groups, regardless of race or color, I am defending the jobs of all, their safety and quality of life, which is what is expected of a President, which you have not done… Your position is indefensible, Kamala, having an open border, your responsibility, is an affront to the American people and national security, hundreds of thousands of people are dead from drug and fentanyl smuggling. Finally, I hope that the people who vote for you will do so because of your ability to govern, which is what gets results and not because of your color or because you are a woman; just as I hope that those who vote for me will do so because of my ability to Make America Great Again (MAGA) and not because of my color or because I am a man.

K- You Mr. Trump, are a liar.

T- Maybe. Kamala, you bit your tongue when you called me a liar, it was not me who claimed to have visited a border you did not visit; interview on NBC news that was profusely broadcast and generated countless memes.

K- In this administration employment levels grew and inflation is going down, besides, you, Mr. Trump, are too old to govern.

T- Employment levels grew for illegal migrants, while, due to competition, salaries for citizens were reduced… And about inflation you should not talk, Kamala, your figures do not coincide with the reality of all Americans whose salaries are no longer enough or who have to live in the streets. Regarding age, I am the age that Biden, whom you supported, was four years ago; congruence is not your strength Kamala, accommodating things and words to your convenience Yes!, you confuse age with experience and yes, I have more experience, which in my government will allow us to inherit to the young people a better country and will give families and minorities a better quality of life, which you have not done.

K- You Mr. Trump e misogynist, you despise women, we all remember how you humiliated Hillary Clinton, for being a woman, in the 2016 campaign.

T- In 2016 Hillary was competing with me for the presidency, treating her as an equal was an act of respect, if you want differential treatment for being a woman, it is you, not me, who denigrates women by putting them in a victim role; and back to the point, all women are certainly interested in their welfare and the welfare of their husbands and their sons and daughters, a President that improves the economy, benefits women and men alike and yes, also families. A President who promotes development and builds a leadership that avoids wars and conflicts where our sons and daughters die and brings peace, will undoubtedly be a President voted by the men and women of the USA, a President who privileges spending to grow and not to maintain other people’s wars will bring development. And yes, I hope the women of the USA will vote for me to Make America Great Again (MAGA).

K- You are against a woman’s right to decide about her body by criminalizing abortion.

T- I am pro-life, it is no secret, but I do not criminalize abortion, nor am I a judge nor do I promote laws from the federal government to impose a restriction on women, we are a republic and abortion legislation is the power of each state.

K- I have experience as a prosecutor, senator and vice president.

T- With bad results in everything, I only have one experience in public service, as President, with good results.

I end my participation by remembering that the US is a capitalist country, not a socialist or communist country, we privilege freedom, effort, work, development with equal opportunities, not welfare, not control, not handouts, not the distribution of money from those who work. These are the values in which I believe and with which I intend to govern if the people of the US give me their trust and their vote. Thank you very much.

… It’s as simple as that!

To contact me by “X”: @SHeyserBeltran or E-mail: heyser.santiago@gmail.com

Un saludo, una reflexión.

Santiago Heyser Beltrán

Escritor y soñador

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